Topaz Gulf recognizes that environmental protection is a vitalty important business issue. By utillizing our technological expertise in the field of Construction & Maintenance and our creative talents, we seek to contribute to the promotion of sustainable development.

In addtion, while observing all environmental reglations in our business operations, we are actively pursing environmental protection activities on our own intiative.Through our individual and collective actions, we will continuosty strive to safeguard a rich natural environment for future generations.


We are committed to conserving energy and natural resources, and practice a 3R approach (reduce, reuse, recycle) to create eco-friendly services.

We seek to reduce risks to human health and the environment from the use of harmful chemical substances or waste.
We seek to reduce risks to human health and the environment from the use of harmful chemical substances or waste.

We encourage our employees to work to improve the environment, bearing in mind the impact of their business activties and their civic responsibillties.


  • One Team, One Vision.
  • Focus on Construction & Maintenance Safety.
  • TGC/Client Integrated Site Organization.
  • Lessons learned from previous projects.
  • Team Work for On-Time Completion.
  • Interface Co-ordination among Subcontractors.