Some simple methods to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace

Initiating some precautions may be important even with no infection in your workplace. Some simple measures may help prevent infection from spreading in the workplace, reduce absence days due to illness, and slow the spread of infection.

Sanitary procedures and cleanliness of workplaces:

  • Desktops, phones, and keyboards need to be constantly cleaned and sterilized because surface contamination which is touches by staff and customers is one of the main ways in which COVID-19 is spread.
  • Promote and encourage regular hand washing by employees and clients:
  • Place hand sanitizers in prominent places of the workplace.
  • Assure the regular filling of sterilizer dispensers
  • Assure that soap and washbasins are available for frequent hand washing, as washing kills the virus on the hands, and prevents COVID-19 from spreading.
  • Display info stickers inside the workplace that illustrate the correct way to wash hands.


Rising respiratory protective measures:

  • Assure the availability of masks for those who have symptoms of a runny nose, and go to the nearest health facility for a check and doing what is necessary
  • Display info stickers inside the workplace on sneezing etiquette that helps reduce the prevalence of (COVID-19)


For travel, advise your employees before embarking on traveling:

  • Assessing the necessity of travel
  • Avoid sending staff on business trips to areas where COVID-19 is prevalent, especially those who may be at greater risk of getting a serious disease (such as older employees, and those with medical conditions such as diabetes, heart and lung diseases).
  • In case of urgent need to send employees on business trips, they need to be educated and aware of how to take precautionary measures of COVID-19 infection.


Staff Safety Procedures:

  • The employee needs to stay at home (or work from home) if he has a mild cough or low-grade fever (37.3 ° C or more).
  • The employee needs to stay at home (or work from home) if he uses certain medicines such as paracetamol/acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin, which may hide symptoms of infection.
  • Continue to provide awareness through the communication channels used in the workplace
  • In cases that need to stay at home (or work from home) if they have only mild symptoms of COVID-19.

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